
A President of the Tasting Committee will be appointed who will act as master of ceremonies to present the protocol that will govern the tasting and the rules to be taken into account, establishing himself from that very moment as the highest authority when it comes to resolving the possible vicissitudes of the event. Convened tasting committees will be established and accommodated.

he competition management decides the number of Juries and designates the members of each one. The jury will be made up of a minimum of two tasting committees, each composed of an odd number of no less than three members selected from qualified professionals, such as oenologists, sommeliers or gastronomes, professional associations related to the sector and specialized press. The number of Juries will be determined based on the samples registered.

Each member of the jury will taste each wine individually and in a non-comparative manner, filling out the sensory tasting sheet that includes the following criteria: sight, smell, taste and general harmony of the product. He will evaluate as he deems appropriate and sign in the corresponding place. If the tasting card is not signed and identified correctly, it will be canceled for all purposes.

For the evaluation of the wines, the established regulations will be rigorously applied and the tasting sheets will always be used, in accordance with the model of the International Wine Office (O.I.V.) (Annex II).


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